This has been our first week switching to an organic lifestyle. Even though we decided already last week to change our lifestyle, I am NOW documenting every day for 365 days "going organic".
It all started with the documentary "Food Inc." Our family has always adhered to a nutritional and balanced diet, with some occasional missteps. I have never been a vegetarian, never understood the "organic hype" and thought that I am eating a balanced and healthy diet, by providing enough vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, curbing my carbs intake, and avoiding sugar as much as possible. Needless to say, fast food has been banned from our diet almost completely.
Until the day we watched "Food Inc."...
Our lives have changed drastically. The first two visits to the grocery store were terrifying, I was disgusted with the ingredients of my favorite foods. I felt angry about the cover up and support by the government, and everyone who is continually supporting this ridiculous system. A change was unavoidable and a plan had to be constructed. Where to start?
First step, I am boycotting any meat products from Tyson. It is a slow process and def. a new approach. We are unlearning 30 years of bad habits and diet.
This is my blog and I will take you on a trip of new ideas, new approaches, experiences, health, finances, recipes, frustrations and a guaranteed involvement to change one thing at a time - not only in our family. I will be posting 365 days, in addition to our experience and reports I will share daily the "wisdom of the day". We are starting from scratch and we are doing it now!