Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 25 - Young children and organic food

Hello friends! The weekend is coming and it looks like it is going to be a beautiful one. 
I love how people are sharing all sorts of things/ideas with me, from the time they started reading my blog. For example, our friend Jeni. She just posted the cutest video on my facebook page. I am doing some organic/non-organic (GMO) testing myself with apples (if you read my GMO apple post). Watch out for my upcoming post on June 30th - you will be shocked!!!


What a cute little girl! I hope Amelie will be interested in doing  a project like this is if we still have an access to organic food in the future. We always tell Amelie when she is eats something: "Wow, these organic strawberries taste good, huh?" Not for the reason of being snobby or judging  organic or non-organic food - I feel she needs to know that we prefer organic and she will learn to differentiate between the two, one of these days. I think having a garden and harvesting our vegetables (once the time comes) she will understand the importance of quality food. I personally don't want to judge or tell people they need to switch, I  am merely trying to observe the things I am learning while adapting to an organic lifestyle. And no - it is NOT A DIET - if the weight loss comes with it...great..but it's not the reason. (This is a clarification for my dear friend Bella :) )

Lately we have been pushing it and expect her to eat the exact food we are eating without any modifications. Well, she does better and I try to make it fun for her by making chocolate chip pancakes (wheat)  or any other fun food ideas and she doesn't complain, but when it comes to eating quinoa or couscous she really is not falling for it. And the fights at the dinner table are heated, well not really heated fights but  there is a lot of can get tiring. But I think it's also a kids times I give her yogurt that she asked for two minutes before I give it to her and she just looks at it and says...NO! I don't waaant it! At the same time she is eating a lot better than expected. We have dinner EVERY NIGHT as a family. We rotate who makes dinner or how it fits in our schedule, but dinner together is a must. In the past Amelie used to sit in her high chair and threw the food around or didn't eat much anyway, now that she adapted to our routine, she has become more conscious about eating what mommy and daddy are eating - hence we are saving a lot of time and money because she is eating the SAME stuff as we are. We don't give her some food we know she won't even touch, (more for us) but otherwise she eats what we eat. 

Yesterday I found this book at the library and I absolutely love it. Therefore I ordered it on Amazon today for next to nothing! This book contains really healthy and super fun recipes that not only kids will love. I am excited to get started this weekend.

I think the main reason we started this organic lifestyle is due to our daughter. She is our number ONE and I know it benefits her and I can only hope that we are setting a good example for her. I would also wish that she understands the difference when growing up and makes a good choice in the future.

Today we are going to a big BBQ and provided will be non-organic meat. We are doing really well adhering to a balanced and organic diet in our personal life and sometimes it is  unavoidable to always eat organic and since we are carnivores we will def. enjoy it!

Organic food and children
Why are children at greater risk? First, they ingest more food and water per pound of body weight than adults, so any exposure is greater in proportion to their size. Second, these chemicals may be more harmful to developing organs and bodily systems, including neurological and reproductive systems, than they are to mature bodies, as most pesticides work by disturbing reproduction in pests – and unfortunately, these chemicals also disrupt hormones and reproduction in wildlife and human beings. Children may be much more at risk than adults for pesticide exposure, and may suffer greater harm to health and development from exposure research and analysis has shown in the past 3 decades. Yet standards for safety and tolerance limits for these chemicals rarely include adequate consideration of the risks to children.   Until very recently,  the established food safety standards for food chemicals were for healthy adults. 

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