Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 3 - First weight loss and mindful eating

I have been worrying about my weight, because lately I have not been as low-carb conscious as I used to be. It is already ridiculously hard to find healthy, organic, affordable food. Tom cooked us dinner last night. Organic chicken, with curry and the cool transparent Chinese noodles which are most likely loaded with tons of carbs. They were so delicious that even Amelie finished her portion before we did. She inhaled them. The entire dinner was about $10.00 for the entire family.
Which included:
  • free range chicken for ($5.00)
  • Chinese vermicelli noodles ($2.00)
  • curry
  • organic lettuce ($1.49/lbs)
  • organic onions ($.99/lbs)
  • carrots (entire bag $2.50)
  • Annie's Natural Goddess Dressing ($2.40/bottle)

    After we finished the delicious food, we were again sitting at the dining table and drooling over Amelie's uneaten chicken, like hungry wolves. After dinner we look at each other and generally complain that we are still hungry. This stinks!!
    The portions are getting smaller and we are still eating at the same speed as we used to. At times it feels like someone At times it feels like someone stole our plates just from right under our nose. Suddenly - NOTHING LEFT!

    Even though over the past weeks I tried eating consciously and tried slowing down, there is nothing I can do about the fact that I still feel hungry right after we eat. The strange thing is that  after about 20 - 30 minutes, I am no longer feeling this hunger. I guess, what I describing as hunger is just a craving for something unidentifiable. In addition to that we are no longer eating cookies, ice-cream or other junk. (We are hardcore, huh?) Poor Tom who eats cookies on a daily basis, sat there on night and moaned about every two minutes: "I want some cookies. I want some cookies. I want some cookies." It's not that we will cut out sweet stuff for good, but we still haven't found semi-healthy sweets/cookies.

    It has been now few weeks and I feel lighter and therefore I stepped on the scale this morning and it seems like I lost about 4 lbs. I will confirm that in a couple of days, by watching my weight and also consult the scale at the gym, since our scale at home is a bi-polar scale showing a different weight each time you step on it. Plus, I am going to schedule my annual check-up and will have blood, cholesterol, weight and all the other important info available soon.

    On a complete different topic, I have been driving by this cool looking store/restaurant/tearoom called Shangri-La Tea Room.  I inquired about it and I heard good things so far. I am planning to visit the place, now even more due to their organic menu and healthy herbal teas. I am a little bit turned off by the "hippie vibe" (see photo below) but I am eager to try some real organic meal not prepared by us. If you have any other organic restaurants to recommend, please comment or let me know. I am learning each day new things!!




    Not everything that claims to be organic is organic. The foods that are 100  percent organic carry the USDA Organic sticker (here in the U.S).  However, other products can show the stickers if they are at least 95%  organic (labeled as organic) or products which 70% of  their ingredients are organic (labeled as made with organic  ingredients).

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